My New Planner Setup – Planner Peace At Last… For Now At Least

Hey guys!Hopefully you are having a fantastic week so far!

so, I finally got my planner setup the way I want it (for now, lol) Ya’ll know how I like to switch things up.

My Planner is organized into 5 sections

  • Calendar
  • Home – Budget, Cleaning, Recipes & To Do List
  • Faith
  • Routines
  • Business

I’m so happy to be back to my Classic Size Happy Planner and am loving the functionality of using a student planner.

It makes it super easy to break down all that iv’e got going on into subjects.  I typically do

Schedule, Cleaning, To Do, Work, Kids, Faith and Fitness.  The beauty of the doing it this way is if from week to week if I have more to do in one subject over another then I can tweak the layout.

The first top divider tab I have is for my calendar, this is my everyday plans and where I come first to check to see what i’ve got going on for the week

I usually do a half page in each week that serves as a snapshot of the week and I also add a meal planning insert or I write it in based on the half page i’m using that week.

Next comes the Home section. Within home I keep all things home management.  I use the Happy Planner home management expansion pack divider tabs to pop in things that are important to running a household. The section includes

To Do Lists – Here I keep random things that need to be done sorta like a rolling to do list.

Meal Planning – I use the Happy Planner recipe keeper to keep track of all the yummy recipes I want to cook for that week, when I make that particular meal then the page returns to my Recipe Keeping planner.

House Cleaning – For now I just have a cleaning checklist and I hope to create some printables in the future

Budget – I use the Happy Planner budget planner to keep track of my business and social media finances, my personal budget for the household is managed via a spreadsheet both my husband and I keep up with

Following my my Home section is the Faith section which is the most important subject in my planner because faith is the most important part of my life and shapes the person that I am and who I strive to continue to be in the future. Within this section I keep track of my monthly and weekly study as well as any goals I have.

The Routines section is up next and is probably the most functional and is more like a brain dump and a hub all in one.

Here I keep track of everyones schedules on a general basis

I also list chores for the week, things I need to do on a daily basis and a general menu for the week as well as items I need to buy on a regular basis

I LOVE THIS SECTION!  It has really helped me to stay on track and have a basic foundation of what needs to be done on a regular basis.

I use the monthly view to plan out a week worth of meals for the family as well and I think thats going to work out better and help me to stay on top of the grocery budget as well.

Lastly I have a Business section.  Within this section is all things social media, my shop stuff and anything having to do with social media, youtube, Ideas or Happy Planner squad. I usually plan out my week of videos, blog posts and social media posts.

Ive been using this planner for a couple weeks now and I feel so organized and productive moreso than I felt with the big Happy Planner and thats one of the reasons I had to get back to it and also frankenplanning is definitely for me.  Having multiple planners that I have to keep up with separately was not working out and so I just feel at peace.  Yall know that could change at anytime because I like keeping my planner fresh so once the new stuff comes out from Happy Planner ya girl will definitely be switching things around again.

Check Out My Video Flip-Through HERE if you wanna see all the above in action.

♡ XOXO 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓉𝒶


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